Wrought Steel Fittings

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Bends and Springs

Taper Threads

Bends and Springs Taper Threads
Nominal Bore(mm) Bends Type 90° Centre to Face Minimum Approximate Radius Springs
Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
112½° 135° 157½°
Centre to Face Minimum
A(mm) R(mm) C(mm) D(mm) E(mm)
6 51 32 48 44 44 
8 64 41 60 57 54
10 73 48 67 64 60 
15 86 57 79 76 73 
20 102 73 92 89 86
25 121 89 108 105 102 
32 146 108 133 127 124 
40 165 127 149 143 140
50 203 159 181 175 168 
65 248 197 222 213 206 
80 292 232 260 248 241 
100 381 308 340 324 318
125 540 457 476 457 444 
150 622 534 572 540 527 


Type 1. These are socketed as illustrated


These are supplied without sockets unless otherwise ordered.  The angle should be stated on the enquiries and orders.  Springs can be made to any angle required.


Screw threads comply with the requirements of the SEBS1109. (ISO pipe threads for pipes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads).

Manufactured from medium and heavy pipe.  Available in galvanised, black and steam quality.

Running Nipples and Barrel Nipples

Running Nipple (Parallel Thread) and Barrel Nipple (Taper Thread
Nominal Bore(mm) Standard Lengths
Running Nipples Barrel Nipples
Minimum A
Tolerance Minimum C
6 13   32  
8 19   38 + 3mm
10 21   38  
15 27 + 1.5mm 51  
20 30   55 + 4.5mm
25 33   60  
32 38   70  
40 38   70 + 6mm
50 48   79  
65 51 + 3mm 89  
80 57   102  
100 70   114 + 8mm
125 78   124  
150 78   127  

Manufactured from medium and heavy pipe.  Available in galvanised, black and steam quality.


Screwed BSP thread

Parallel Thread
Nominal Bore
Outside Diameter
A – mm – min
B – mm – min
6 14.0 19 0.017
8 17.5 27 0.035
10 21.7 28 0.046
15 25.5 36 0.081
20 31.0 38 0.107
25 38.7 45 0.170
32 47.3 50 0.261
40 53.4 50 0.317
50 66.5 58 0.494
65 82.4 67 0.734
80 96.4 73 1.173
100 123.0 85 1.768
125 151.0 92 2.774
150 178.0 92 3.841

*Not applicable to faced socket (see Longscrews)


Available with steel sockets and with or without maleable iron backnuts as required.NOTE: The tolerances on widths across flats of backnuts shall be ±0.8mm.
Nominal Bore mm Face Socket Malleable Iron Hexagon Backnut Min. effect Standard Lengths  
Minimum Length A mm Tol. on Length Nom. Width Across Flats mm Minimum
Thickness mm
Tol. on Thickness B Length of Long Thread mm C min. mm C max. mm D min. mm D max. mm Mass kg
15 35   32 8   52 100 150 200 250 0.242
20 37 + 3mm 37 9 + 1.5mm 54 100 150 200 250 0.319
25 43   46 9.5   62 100 150 200 250 0.503
32 48   60 11   70 150 200 250 300 0.916
40 48 + 4.5mm 64 12 + 4.5mm 71 150 200 250 300 1.029
50 57   78 13   82 150 200 250 300 1.529
65 65   97 17   97 150 200 250 300 2.118
80 71   114 21   106 200 250 300 400 3.507
100 84 + 6mm 140 22 + 3mm 121 200 250 300 400 5.182

Elbows, Equal Tees and Socket Unions

Screwed BSP thread – Parts 1 & 2

Nominal Size mm Minimum Length A mm Minimum Thickness mm Mass kg
6 19 3.5 0.03 
8 24 3.5 0.04 
10 27 3.5 0.07 
15 37 4.0 0.10 
20 38 4.0 0.14 
25 44 4.5 0.17
32 51 5.0 0.30
40 54 5.5 0.41
50 60 6.0 0.64
65 67 6.0 1.00
80 73 7.0 1.62
100 86 7.0 2.30
125 98 7.5 3.35
150 98 8.5 4.45

Elbows, Equal Tees and Socket Unions

Screwed BSP thread – Parts 1 & 2

Equal Tee
Nominal Size mm Minimum Length A mm Minimum Thickness mm
6 16 0.05
8 22  0.07
10 24 0.11
15 32 0.25
20 35 0.25
25 43 0.41
32 51 0.64
40 52 1.05
50 64 1.68
65 76 2.30
80 89 3.65
100 115 6.77
125 140 10.00
150 160 14.62
Socket Union
Nominal Size mm Minimum Length A mm Minimum Thickness mm
6 38 0.09
8 44 0.13
10 51 0.18
15 57 0.25
20 67 0.41
25 76 0.62
32 85 0.91
40 100 1.13
50 110 1.71
65 127 2.30
80 132 4.12
100 175 6.84

BS 1740 applies to welding and seamless pipe fittings of nominal sizes (6mm to 150mm) inclusive, for use with steel tubes to SABS / SANS 62 screwed BSP thread to ISO 7/1.


Can be supplied galvanised if required.


Threads for the screwed ends of the fittings comply with the appropriate reuirements of BS 21.

Pressure Tests

  • An internal hydrolic pressure of 5MN/m²
  • An internal hydrolic pressure of 0.7MN/m² while completely imeersed in water or light oil.

Reduced and Standard Sockets

Screwed BSP thread – Parts 1 & 2

Reducing Socket
Nominal mm Mass kg Minimum
Length mm
Nominal Size
 1 x 2mm
Minimum Length
A mm
Mass kg
8 x 6 0.04 25 50 x 15 70  0.64 
      50 x 20 68 0.64
10 x 6 0.06 30 50 x 25 67 0.64
10 x 8 0.06 29 50 x 32 65 0.64
      50  40 64 0.64
15 x 6 0.09 41      
15 x 8 0.09 40 65 x 25 76 1.25
15 x 10 0.09 38 65 x 32 75 1.25
      65 x 40 73 1.25
20 x 8 0.12 44 65 x 50 71 1.25
20 x 10 0.12 43      
20 x 15 0.12 41 80 x 25 86 1.98
      80 x 32 84 1.98
25 x 8 0.21 54 80 x 40 83 1.90
25 x 10 0.21 52 80 x 50 81 1.98
25 x 15 0.21 51 80 x 55 79  
25 x 20 0.21 49      
      100 x 40 105 2.90
32 x 10 0.30 60 100 x 50 100 2.90
32 x 15 0.30 59 100 x 55 100 2.90
32 x 20 0.30 57 100 x 80 98 2.90
32 x 25 0.30 56      
      125 x 80 115 4.40
40 x 15 0.40 65 125 x 100 115 4.40
40 x 20 0.40 64      
40 x 25 0.40 62 150 x 80 140 6.10
40 x 32 0.40 60 150 x 100 140 6.10
Standard Socket
Nominal Size mm Minimum
Outside Diameter
A mm
Minimum Length
B mm
Mass kg
6 15.0 19 0.02
8 18.5 27 0.03
10 22.0 28 0.04
15 27.0 37 0.08
20 32.5 39 0.11
25 39.5 46 0.18
32 49.0 51 0.26
40 55.0 51 0.32
50 68.0 60 0.51
65 84.0 69 1.11
80 98.0 75 1.63
100 124.0 87 2.43
125 151.0 96 3.53
150 178.0 96 5.41